DevEng BlogPosts – Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Development Engineering (DevEng) blog! Please read the following guidelines on submitting a blog post to us for publication. We look forward to reading your submission.

The DevEng Blog aims to promote the understanding and practices of development engineering globally. Contributions should be accessible to readers from outside your country and, wherever possible, should connect local issues to global concerns.

General Guidelines for Submissions

  • DevEng Blog welcomes articles and proposals for pieces from Development Engineering students, Professors, or authors who can contribute materials on development engineering.
  • We welcome pieces from all perspectives, particularly interested in articles with a strong point of view that give our readers an idea about development engineering. Articles that cover new ground challenge, current thinking, and explode myths. 
  • We also like first-hand narratives that explore, through the author’s experience, an issue or aspect of development engineering in ways that would appeal to readers.
  • Topics include experience while working on a project, searching for a job, the graduate-school experience, conference/contest participation, and any other subjects related to development engineering. We are also interested in pieces about teaching, experience working in the classroom or with the cohort.
  • We also encourage publishing pieces that debate on an issue and say something different from what’s been said to date, relevant to development engineering. 
  • Blogs may tend to run between 1,000 and 1,500 words, but we can accept and publish those that run both shorter and more prolonged. 
  • We request to include links to sources of any facts or quotes used in the pieces. And this will help us as well to check the facts in each piece before we run. 
  • We are willing to review brief proposals or short outlines instead of the completed article. That said, we will ultimately still have to see the entire piece before we make a final decision about publication.
  • We prefer to receive any submissions in an attachment with the author’s name, title, organizational affiliation, and contact information on that attachment. It usually takes us at least a week and sometimes two to review and discuss a piece or proposal among ourselves and then get back to let the author know whether we plan to publish it or not. 
  • Please submit articles and proposals for blog pieces to in an attachment. 

    We look forward to hearing from you.


Points of view or opinions expressed in these postings are those of the author(s), who are solely responsible for the content posted. The UC Berkeley Development Engineering program has not endorsed posted views. 

Contributor’s Agreement

By submitting a post to the blog, the Contributor guarantees that the post is a product of their work and is unpublished. Contributors also permit the DevEng to use their post, with full attribution but without further consent, on a non-commercial basis in online and offline publications.

If you have any questions or problems, please email them to Yael Perez ( or Sudeshna Naik (

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